Gosh, I just can't get caught up! At least I got the Halloween pics posted before Christmas.
Halloween day started off cool in temperature but mild enough to let Drew and Lily redeem their Peterson's Ice Cream Birthday certificates (October and January Birthdays this time).

Look at the size of Lilymei's sundae. Yikes!

She is really chowing down. Lily made a good effort but couldn't quite finish the whole thing.

Drew is ready to begin.....

here goes.....but, alas, Drew was not able to finish his sundae either! Good effort though.
After the ice cream sundaes Nate was dropped off at church in order to help set up for the All Saints party that would occur later in the evening. Drew decided he wasn't going to Trick-or-Treat either but attend the party at church. I think he was a little disappointed with his decision. We told him he could do both.
Wouldn't you know.....minutes before we were to head out the door to begin Trick-or-Treating it started to sprinkle. Darn.

Our little cutie in her ladybug costume and ghost earrings was not to be deterred. Lilymei had been practicing what she was to say for days. Mommy's umbrella from many years ago was just what our ladybug needed to get the night rolling.

Oh my! What scary fangs you have little ladybug!

The happy gang after a fun evening. Lily has finally stopped asking if she can trick-or-treat again. I think hiding her pumpkin did the trick!