April was another busy month. The boys worked very hard to nearly complete their schoolwork for the year. In exchange for their hard work Scott and I took the kids to Orlando for some much deserved vacation time. Scott was already going to be in Florida for a conference so we planned to arrive the weekend before his conference and stay a few days longer than his conference. We spent our first full day in Florida at Magic Kingdom. We had such a good time we decided to forgo Hollywood Studios for another day at Magic Kingdom later in the week.

Lilymei was enchanted with the castle. The boys were surprised to enjoy the day as well, riding all the big coasters.

Lilymei with 2 of her favorite characters.....Mickey and Minnie!

At this moment Lily was the happiest I have ever seen. She is captivated by princesses, especially Cinderella. I have a feeling I know who Lily is going to dress up like for Halloween this year!

Oh my goodness! Another Cinderella! This time at Downtown Disney.

Lily making a mask in Epcot's China. We had a great time watching the acrobats and the 360 degree movie in China. We even had a delicious lunch in China. Too bad Lily fell asleep before we had dessert in France!

Who doesn't like hanging out with Goofy and Pluto at Animal Kingdom?

The Tree of Life along with 3 wonderful children.

Last day at Disney with a few more lovable characters.

At least we wore out 2 kids in Florida!