At 2:27 a.m. on Tuesday, May 20th we received THE phone call from our agency (see our post below) stating our referral for Lilymei had arrived from China! We were told our packet of information and forms that we needed to sign would be overnighted to us from St. Louis.
A few days later (darn international dateline) the DHL driver made Jean very happy. Our referral packet arrived just before noon on the 22nd. We had to sign the documents, but most importantly we had to name our new daughter. We didn't know we were going to have to name her immediately on the spot yesterday. Fortunately we had a pretty good idea of what we were going to name her: Lilymei Liying. We have always loved the name Lily and that is what we have been calling her since the beginning of this journey. Mei is the Chinese version of Mae, which is Jean's maternal grandmother's middle name. Liying is a combination of Li and Ying, both of Lilymei's Chinese names given to her by the orphanage.
Lilymei is currently 16.5 months old and is living with a foster family in the city of Hohhot, Peoples Republic of China, Inner Mongolia. We are hoping for updated photos and medical information from the agency as soon as possible. Unfortunately we will not be traveling until after the Olympic Games, which are, of course, beginning on 8/8/2008!
Here is Scott signing the official document that we FedExd back to Beijing today, on his Birthday!
The whole family is very excited and we would like to thank everyone for their continued prayers and thoughts. We will keep everyone up to date as we get more information on our newest little one.
Hurray! How exciting. We are rejoicing with you and continue to pray for the rest of your journey. Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOTT! What a great present.
How wonderful! Happy Birthday! We were just trying to figure out that your birthday is here today, but there yesterday? :-) (I sure hope we don't have to wait for William's birthday for ours!)
Love, Susan
Hi Scott,Jean,and the great boys well I just got home from work and was going to bed. I looked at email and thoughtI look at your blog. happy birthday Scott. Mom andI think it is great about the Baby . Iam going to look into a new DELL so we can see her when she comes home. LOVE MOMand Dad
Congratulations! We are very happy for you! What a great birthday gift.
Derek, Patti and ALli
Scott and Jean, We are so excited for your family! There is no greater reward than adopting a child. We hope that she brings you as much joy and love as our daughter brings us. Love the pictures - she is beautiful! And yippee - a sweet little girl for Jean :) We are very glad to hear that she is in a Foster Home and not in an orphanage. I can't tell you what a blessing that is. We pray for saftey for Lilymei and you while you travel to bring her home. Peace and love to you all. Love, Scott, Michelle and Madison Ballou
Congratulations!!!! We are so happy for you! What a blessing for all of you. May the summer pass quickly so that Lilimei can join you soon! What a BEAUTIFUL name for a beautiful baby!!!! Thanks for the joyful news. We miss you guys! Love, Theresa (and Jim, Sam and Hannah, too)
Finally! I am so excited for you guys and she is so incredibly cute I could just eat her up! I know it will be so hard for you to hang in there until after the Olympics. Once you see her precious little face, you cant stop thinking about what she is doing, when she is doing it, etc...'bout drove myself and my hubby nuts with the questions. Will pray for you all and cant wait to hear updates! Oh, and we have a friend in common...down two posts...Hi Susan!
Congratulations on your referral of you beautiful little lady...wish you were traveling before the Aug - but soon she will be her your arms!
Best wishes for a wonderful life!
Carol & Kimberly
Congratulations! How exciting! She is absolutely precious.
On another note: I noticed on your sidebar you just finished Snow Flower and the Secret Fan.. wasn't that a great book? One of my book club favorites from last year.
How exciting - I can't wait to see pics of her in her parents arms! She will be earing a smile in no time!
Safe travels - will you post during ypour travels?
c & k in FL
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