The date on today's post says October 11th; the reason being, the computer is still on Guam time. :-) Actually, here in Hawaii, we are 20 hours behind Guam time so it is still Friday, October 10th. October 10th is a special day for Scott and I. 16 years ago today, I married my BEST friend. Scott is a wonderful husband. I can't imagine life without him. He does so much for me. I treasure what we have together.
Honey, thank you for sharing the past 16 years with me as my husband. I hope you know how much I love you, always and forever; we are one.

I love you Scott! Happy Anniversary!!
Oh yeah!! Happy Anniversary!! We were there and saw it happen! I square danced till I thought I'd puke!! Hope you had a great day together!
Love you! Susan
Happy Anniversary. I guess this is the year we spend our anniversaries away from home with our new little ones :-) We will actually be en Route to Ethiopia on our anniversary. I say Rome for our anniversary, what could be more romantic. Susan says we don't even get off the plane -- but Hey! we can't say we never go anywhere.
Happy Anniversary. Oh, my favorite memory from your wedding, I was really happy that KofC is not the same as KFC -- I was worried for a minute when I heard the reception was at KFC.
Congratulations on your anniversary, what a wonderful acomplishment and what a beautiful place to be spending on your special day. Christe
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Happy Anniversary you guys! :)
I cant wate till you are home.
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