The past couple of weeks Scott and I have been emailing our agency asking if
any updates have come through for Lilymei. We have been so curious to know how her health is and how big she has gotten since the referral photos were taken. Scott is always up in the morning before me and he checks our email accounts to see if anything "good" has arrived. Well, this morning he lets out a yell saying that Tina, from our agency, has sent updated info on Lilymei! You can bet I was out of the bed in a flash, barely able to see yet, straining to get a good look at the computer screen. Here are her "new" stats:
Weight = 10kg = @ 22lbs
Height = 77cm = @ 30in.
Head size = 50cm
Chest size = 50cm
Foot Length = 12cm
# of Teeth = 9
Here are the new photos:

Doesn't she look
incredibly sad? That pouty face is just
pitiful! She is so tiny sitting on the couch, yet she looks much older when you compare these new photos to our referral photos,below.

Can you believe it?...We are parents of a TODDLER ~ again! I guess she's really not a baby anymore :-(
Oh my gosh, she is too cute, her little pout is just adorable!!! Not much longer now. Christe
Oh Jean!!! She is precious! Oh that little pouty face just breaks my heart! I can't wait to see her in your arms with a big 'ol smile!! Not much longer!! HOORAY!!
ps-Hope I didn't overwhelm you with all the emails!!
Hi WOW!!!!! got up and Mom is in bed so I got on line and saw Papas new littel girl. I have my count down 351 more. Mom is going to be mad at me I saw her first I made copies of her and I will post on the Ref. Ican see her saying come get me soon.Love and Miss you all Papa SAMMY
the only thing missing in these photos is a big smile and the rest of her family. I know without a shadow of a doubt God put all of you in her little life for just that very thing. Love mom and Lily's new Mima
Congratulations!!! She is ADORABLE!! I know you must be over the moon! I will keep you in my prayers. God bless your journey , I am so excited for you!!!
Jean... It was great to hear from you about my blog. But, I must admit, it was more fun looking at your blog and reading all about your newest addition. You are absolutely correct, Lilymei does look sad with those pouty little lips. But she is so beautiful. She has the same look on her face that my daughter seemed to have on hers for the first 2 or 3 months. I would love to follow along on your journey. How excited you guys must be. Hope you're packed and ready to go! I must admit that I am quite envious of your tour in Guam. Wish we could join you. It sounds wonderful.
Hugs from your fellow military/CHI family,
PS... I've decided not to go private. It's too limiting for my fellow adoptive families, but I will try to be a bit more cautious with the pertinent information.
I think the way kids age between when we first look at their photos to when we actually hold them is incredible. Our first pictures of Acer were of him at about 6 months old. We got pictures of him at four other ages before we finally held him in our arms at 29 months. For us it was like he'd aged two years in the nine months we waited.
Can't wait to see her lose that serious look when your boys start playing with her.
Heather BT
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