It was a thrilling week in the world of scouting. Nate and Drew were both promoted to the next rank in the boy scouts and cub scouts. The boys are having a great time with scouting and Nate is getting ready for summer camp on Guam. Drew is preparing for a trip to the rock climbing wall and a summer of planned activity. We are proud of all the hard work they have both put into the program.
On the adoption front we have received some travel plan coordination, but are still waiting on our Travel Approval (TA). We are probably still looking at going to pick up Lilymei sometime in September. The Olympics can't come quick enough for us!
Hi Jean,
Thanks for visiting our blog! I've put it back public for now, but if you will send me your email address, I'll put you on the invitation list in case I decide to go back private (
I can't wait to follow your journey to your Lilymei! I hope you receive TA very soon!
Have a wonderful day!
WE are so proud of Nathan and Drew. We wish we could see you in your uniforms. You guys also must have writing skills like your parents, Congratulations on your papers. Lilymei will look adorable in those clothes. Love you, Mima
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