Today is our last day of waiting until we travel to bring Lilymei home. This past week has been crazy with all of the things one needs to do to prepare for a journey like this. Last night Scott and I packed most of the clothes~I still have a little bit of laundry to finish, all the medicines we are taking, and the gifts we are bringing. Today I spent the whole morning cleaning house (so our house sitter doesn't have to walk into a mess!). The boys are at vacation bible school and Scott worked a half day. He is now off to get a hair cut, look for better locks for our luggage, and bring home anything I may have forgotten to purchase.
I was also able to talk to our neighbor, the local CIS field office director, and FINALLY get our fingerprints cleared with ACS in Guangzhou! Now I just need to pack all the snacks, diapers, IPods, books, toys.......Will tomorrow just get here?!
We do plan to keep posting as often as we can while we are in China so please check back often and give us some feedback on how the blog looks. From what I hear, it is very difficult for us to actually "see" our blog while we are in country. Leave comments so we know you are following along and pray for us safe travels and an uneventful return trip home!
safe journey, travel blessings.
Heather BT
We'll be praying for you all on your big adventure! How long will you be gone?
We are so excited for you!
Love you! Susan
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