Today was a free day for us. We slept in, ate a leisurely breakfast, and played in the room. It rained for most of the day so after lunch Lilymei and Baba took a nap and the boys watched a movie. I spent a little time reading a book (haven't done that since before packing for China).

Good Morning Sweet Pea!

We took a taxi to one of the shopping areas in Hohhot. Scott was on the hunt for a few bargain polo shirts. He scored 2 nice shirts for @ $7 total. Here Lilymei is sharing her first Oreo Blizzard from DQ. Another hit!

Downtown Hohhot. Notice Lilymei's new shoes. The 2 pairs we brought are too big! This area reminded Scott of New York City.

Lilymei's first time in a highchair. We had dinner at Pizza Hut. Last count, that makes 3 times in 8 days we had Pizza Hut. It is such a bargain and a more gourmet restaurant than our American version. Lilymei ate 2 pieces of pizza herself. She tied with Nate. In this photo she is having her appetizer of crackers. At this rate, we know she will add a pound or two on before the doctor visit in Guangzhou on Monday.

The smiles and laughter were much more commonplace today. Daddy has found her tickle spots.

Lilymei loves to play with the boys. I think she has figured out just how goofy they really are!
Tomorrow we will receive Lilymei's Chinese passport. We are also planning to visit the area where Lilymei was abandoned. Pray for good weather for us. We have only had 1 sunny day here since we arrived Sunday afternoon.
We will be leaving Hohhot on Saturday morning very early. We are sad to leave Lilymei's birthplace but we are excited to be one step closer to home.
You guys look like you are having a blast! We got back from Wenzhou late last night, it was exhausting. We look forward to seeing you in Guangzhou, only one more day. Christe
Oreo Blizzards and Pizza Hut!!! You guys are living the high life! We finally found KFC on our last day here:) See you soon!!
cute jammies!! she is amazing, cant wait to meet her. Cody is very excited for drew to come home. i think he is having withdrawls,haha!!! looks like you guys are having a great time. i am happy that you are sharing so that we can all experience this with you. it has been great:)
Haha! Love the boys playing and all the smiles Daddy receives. Great pictures!
Jennifer N.
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