Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's crazy around here & who is in New Oxford?

I just wanted to weigh in and say Jean is doing a great job. The boys are both getting very ready to go and helping when they can. Thank you to everyone for all of the gifts and well wishes, we have appreciated everything.

One final question, our most frequent blog visitor is in New Oxford, Pennsylvania and we aren't sure who lives in New Oxford. Any hints?

Thanks again everyone, we can't wait to get some new pictures of the baby up asap.

1 comment:

Heather BT said...

I love my Live Feed too, although I will admit I was wondering who was visiting me from Guam:) I'm glad I found out! I'm so excited for you guys, but not nearly as excited as you are, I mean yesterday your boys were bouncing off the walls!
Heather BT

Lilymei joined our family...

Lilymei was born...

Drew is...

Nate is...

Jean and Scott have been married....