We thought this was a fitting sign to post as we truly feel blessed by God! (for those Olympic fans out there, this is the slogan of the Chinese workout gear provider)

We visited a great park today and Lilymei's finding place. We were all touched and had a great time visiting the park which had some amusement rides for the boys.

Cooler than a cucumber in Hohhot!

Laughing for Gaga Nate, as usual. Lilymei had a good day and is fast asleep already.

Well this is a short post because we have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to catch our early flight to Guangzhou. We finished all of the Chinese paperwork and Lilymei is officially our daughter. She received her Chinese passport today and is good to travel. We are all looking forward to getting to Guangzhou and having more of what life has to offer!
Congrats on completing the first hurdle...a few days in Guangzhou and then the flight home - and jet lag - enjoy this time together!
The first few days - as her personality unfolds is an amazing thing to watch!
I've been watching with anticipation your posts every day. What a great feeling to see Lilymei laughing it up with you guys. I can't wait to see what you guys are up to next!!!
Love to see all the smiles on those cute faces. Love mom and dad
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