Today we had to have Lilymei's picture taken for her Visa. We then introduced her to the world of swimming. Let's just say she is not a huge fan yet! The boys had a great time in the beautiful pool here at the White Swan. We ate dinner at Lucy's, again. Lucy's restaurant caters to western families and the food is very good. It was nice to have some old fashioned grilled cheese and apple pie ala mode. We have had a fun filled time here on the island. Lilymei is doing quite well and starting to open up more and more each day. We are going to the doctor in the morning for the obligatory medical exam. We will then be off for a fun filled day touring and completing the day with a dinner boat cruise of the Pearl River. We are finding Lilymei to be such a beautiful little baby in everything she does. She is currently "talking" in her sleep and it is so cute. We miss everyone and can't wait to get home.
Here are the boys playing Chinese hacky sack in the park, quite a show for the Chinese!
Go ck out the market just over the bridge off Shaimen Island - it is like walking back in time - it is safe 3 moms and 3 babies walked all around one bothered us - it is one of the largest wholesale markets in Guangzhou...very cool to see 10000 scorpions for sale or more turtles than you can imagine...lets just say alot of soup...
Happy travels
Carol in FL
Love the smiles and the video of her laughing. She is precious.
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