We had a very busy day yesterday (Monday) with Lilymei's medical clearance appointment to start the day. All we can say is, it was less than fruitful. I am confident the medical exam she will receive once we are back on Guam will be much more useful. We then toured a Buddhist temple where all of the babies received a blessing. Afterwards the group went to the Pearl Market for some shopping and lunch. We ended up eating at Papa John's and not purchasing anything at the market. The boys convinced our guide to stop at Carrefour (Asian Walmart) so they could buy 2 rip-sticks (a newer version of the skateboard). The boys couldn't be happier because the price was about 1/4 of what it is on Guam.
Once we got back to the hotel, Scott was a little under the weather. Jean took the kids to the arcade and they enjoyed the evening having fun. Later, Lilymei had a chance to play in the Swan Room, which is a playroom sponsored by Mattel. Lilymei started chatting up a storm and laughing like crazy. She has really come out of her shell. We are sorry about no new photos lately, but there was a huge electrical storm that prevented us from posting last night.
Glad to see you back online! I actually noticed and missed you yesterday! Lilymei's countenance has changed so much since she's gotten used to you! She looks so happy!
Love you! Susan
Thanks for the pics fix!!! I didn't think I could stand it any longer. Can't wait to talk in person!
Love, OOOXXX MfmlG
It's been so fun keping up with your family adventure. What an experience for all of you. It's also great to see Lilymei blossoming ~ she has such a wonderful smile.
hello It is I mima of the children. It is 7:50 and just wondering what you all are up to. I guess you will be leaving today, is that right? I hope Lily will be alright on the plane for that many hours. I wish we could be in Guam to meet your plane but no can do. We love you mom and dad
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