Jean, EmmaGrace & I are all home safe and sound. Sorry for such a gap in "coverage", but the internet firewalls are alive and well in China! We had a great time at the wild animal park and were very impressed, must do if you are ever in the area. We also hired a shopping guide and found so many cool things for so much less than what we pay here in the U.S. Typically items were about 85% off what we pay for them here. Our trip back home was a 43 hour marathon of little to no sleep which consisted of: 1 private driver trip in a nice Audi A8 (van at hotel was late so they sent us 1st class), 1 high-speed rail trip from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, 3 metro rides to get to the airport, 5 hour flight to Korea, 5 hour layover, 14 hour flight to Dallas, 1 taxi ride to Love Field, 1 hour flight to San Antonio and finally a 1/2 hour drive with our friends to our home...success!! Thanks to the Galley's for taking care of our other children so gloriously.
All in all a most excellent adventure culminating in the best outcome of all, one new American and member of the O family!
Here are a few pictures from the trip, more later.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Sunday, March 9, 2014
So far so great!
Emma has really been showing us her true personality and it is now clear we have a 6 year old! She has been enjoying our daily tours to either Shaiman Island or to the medical clearing office. We have been having a great time getting to know her and find out her likes and dislikes. We went to a Mexican restaurant tonight, I know I know we are from San Antonio, and it really was good. Emma felt the food was too sour or spicey, but liked the Spanish rice less the tomatoes and onions. We went to dinner with our guide from Lily's adoption, Jessie. It was fun to get caught up with her and she helped answer Emma's never ending barrage of questions. She told Jessie that her new mom is "awesome". We are looking forward to getting home, but still have plenty of trip left. Tomorrow we are headed to the wild animal park and then onto the US consulate on Tuesday. We then do some shopping on Thursday before getting on the train to Hong Kong and our Korean Airline flight to Korea, Dallas, and finally San Antonio!!! Miss everyone.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014
To the park and what's in a name
Yesterday we went to the Nanning Peoples park and Emma got to ride a few amusement park rides that she loved. She was squealing with excitement waiting for me to buy the tickets. We the. Rented a boat that we let her drive around a couple of acre lake. It was really fun. I was coerced into doing Thai Chi with a group of Thai Chi masters, it was videoed and will be in Nanning local news tonight at 1815 if you want to tune in :-) We then met an artist that blew sugar and made a sculpture for Emma at no charge. Overall a good day.
Now about her name Wu Ao Chun. Wu is for the area she was found in, Ao means Olympic and Chun means Spring. She was found during the spring of 2008 during the Olympics. Just in case you wanted to know. We have officially changed her name to EmmaGrace Aochun O.
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Now about her name Wu Ao Chun. Wu is for the area she was found in, Ao means Olympic and Chun means Spring. She was found during the spring of 2008 during the Olympics. Just in case you wanted to know. We have officially changed her name to EmmaGrace Aochun O.
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Civil affair, check!
The adoption is official and complete! We are so glad that we don't have to meet with the nanny or head of the orphanage again. It isn't that they aren't great folks, but every time we met with them, Emma would regress. We can't imagine what it must be like to lose everything you knew and loved all in one day. Bless her heart she is doing better today and won't let mama out of her sight. We did go to the swimming pool today and are pretty sure that was a first. Emma told our guide Amby that she wanted pizza for lunch, we didn't realize that meant two small bites! We definitely need to put some Olech weight on her. Off to play at the park or to the museum tomorrow, depending on the weather. Thanks for all the support. Picture are still an issue, but I will add when we can.
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Monday, March 3, 2014
We have changed our family forever! I am so proud to have two sons and daughters now. EmmaGrace came into our lives this afternoon and it has been crazy ever since. It started with her singing us a lovely song naming all of the relatives she might have in the US like brother, mother, grandmother, etc. We had fun running around the hotel and then it hit her...the grieving process. God sent us an angel in the form of a lady that spoke Emma's language, Guangdong, and helped sooth her. She was physically distraught and hurting and told the lady she wasn't eating until she gets back to her other family. So heartbreaking! Jean has been the go to mama. We know everyday will get better.

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Sunday, March 2, 2014
T minus 24!!
Jean and I had a great time hiking Qingxiu mountain today with our guide Amby. We figured we walked at least 7 km and up several thousand meters. All that equates to tired legs and just wanting to chill for the rest of the day. We got an update on Emma and she is actually on her way to Nanning today and we will be united with her tomorrow at 2:30 pm! We are hopeful about her vision, but know God will give us the grace and ability to make her life spectacular. Please enjoy the photos of the mountain if I can post them. Tomorrow is going to be epic!
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Saturday, March 1, 2014
To the mountain, we think??
We are heading out to the Qingxiu mountain this morning although originally we were to be grocery shopping. We were blessed to be upgraded to the Ambassadors Suite so I guess we don't need food. The hotel dropped off handmade chocolate after we fell asleep last night, I guess we will save for EmmaGrace. Today is our last day as parents of 3! Scary doesn't begin to describe it.
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We have landed
After an exhausting day we have landed in our beautiful hotel in Nanning. Jean is thrilled because chocolates will be delivered this afternoon. After some rest we hope to explore the area. We are heading to a mountain tomorrow for "fun" as our guide put it.
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Friday, February 28, 2014
On our way to Nanning
Jean and I have completely loved our time in Hong Kong, but it is time to get down to business and get to the mainland! Just a few more days before EmmaGrace is in our arms. In Hong Kong we visited nearly every corner of the city and a few of the islands. Our guide Joy was awesome and we would highly recommend her is you are ever in HK. Sorry for the lack of pictures but such is the way of free wifi. We saw the giant Buddha by taking the crystal floored tram up the side of several mountains...great time. More from Nanning as long as the firewall doesn't keep us from posting.
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Quite a view
We woke up to this view...that is assuming you can see it on the blog. We are overcoming some technical difficulties. We are up and getting ready to tour Hong Kong with our guide. We just finished breakfast were we discovered an awesome machine...the one minute pancake maker. The plan is to see the peak and harbor views today and then the "big Buddha" tomorrow. Out for now. Photos once we hit some real wifi again.
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Just checking in...
Jean and I have landed in Seoul and are excited to find wickedly fast free internet. We had a great flight on the way over, note to self...Korean Air rules!! It is 3am in San Antonio right now, but we are doing okay. We had some babe bop for dinner, I think we caught the flight attendant off guard because she said "that's Korean food". I said yes it is and we will have it for lunch. Great service that included wine for lunch! Heading to Hong Kong in a few hours. Interesting airport, just passed a string quartet and a grand piano player making music in the hall. Starbucks coffee was 4100 or @ $3.80, worth every cent. More from Hong Kong, but probably after some much needed sleep.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Off we go into the wild blue yonder!
Jean and I are minutes from boarding Korean Airlines flight 32 bound for Incheon with service to Hong Kong! So psyched, but nervous at the same time. I saw the food truck deliver so I guess we are good. God bless everyone that helped make this trip a reality. More from Asia!
Monday, February 24, 2014
Here we go, here we go now!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014
We received CA!!!

As Willy Wonka said, "We have So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute. Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you!!"
The plan is to fly from San Antonio to Dallas on Monday and then let the journey begin from there early on Tuesday.
The plan is to fly from San Antonio to Dallas on Monday and then let the journey begin from there early on Tuesday.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Can you say...Almost?

We have purchased our airline tickets and are set to head out next week, but (the proverbial but) we still need our Consulate appointment! We are hoping to receive a phone call early tomorrow morning and then feel confident in our Korean Airlines tickets. I forgot how hard it is to sleep with so much on your mind. Thank you to you all that have donated your time, money, and prayers for our family, we truly appreciate it and trust in God. We know that no matter when we finally do get to China, our journey will be 100% on God's time and correct for what EmmaGrace needs. Please continue to pray for us as we get ready to travel. We are softly chanting CA...CA...CA here at the O's homestead. Consulate whammies!
Monday, February 17, 2014
Travel Approval!
It is official! We have been approved to travel very soon to complete EmmaGrace's adoption and to bring her home. We are very excited to finally reach this milestone in the adoption journey. Later this week we should hear back from our agency as to when our consulate appointment has been scheduled. Once we have the date confirmed in writing we can then purchase our airline tickets. We have already booked our hotel rooms - we jumped the gun a bit. This isn't our first adoption rodeo. We just wanted to make sure we could reserve the hotels we desired.
Isn't this smile precious? We just can't wait to bring this little sweetheart home!
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Meet EmmaGrace...soon to be the next member of the O's!
Jean & Scott will be traveling without our "entourage" this time when we go to China. We expect to travel during the last part of February or early March. We are planning on spending sometime in Hong Kong to get over the much anticipated jet lag. We are praying to get to EmmaGrace by her birthday at the end of the month, she and Jean share the same day for their birthday. Keep an eye out on the blog as we will try to keep it up to date as we move into this next chapter of our lives.
On other fronts, it looks like Nate will be going to college this fall. Drew just made Eagle Scout a few weeks ago and Lily is doing great in everything she tries. The "bigs" of the family ran a half marathon to raise funds for our adoption and yes we all finished!
We are truly blessed and ask for your continued prayers as we navigate the path the Lord has laid before us. Scott just wishes the path was more well lit; going off track is no fun!
On other fronts, it looks like Nate will be going to college this fall. Drew just made Eagle Scout a few weeks ago and Lily is doing great in everything she tries. The "bigs" of the family ran a half marathon to raise funds for our adoption and yes we all finished!
We are truly blessed and ask for your continued prayers as we navigate the path the Lord has laid before us. Scott just wishes the path was more well lit; going off track is no fun!
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