Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Life back in the U.S.

The week has just begun and I am already overwhelmed with all of the choices. Choices of everything from restaurants to items in the grocery store. San Antonio has been a great city to visit already, but I do miss Guam and more importantly my family. Thank you to everyone with your congrats on my MBA degree.

I have been shown around town by my buddy "Jim" and his family. Thanks for the great time. I got to see these cool boots in front of a mall today.

Tomorrow I start the American Pharmacist Association (APhA) meeting that I traveled to San Antonio for. Not much else to report, sad to see the closed Starbucks and Krispy Kreme stores, didn't realize the economy was so bad off.


John said...

Welcome back!

Unknown said...

Hey Jean and kids,
We sure are enjoying visiting with Scott. Wish you all could have come along...maybe next time!

Landers Family said...

Congrats Scott that is an MBA is an accomplishment....glad to hear that u get some downtime back in the states....I am sure Jean and the kids are missing the pictures of everyone...everyone is looking so happy and healthy! See you guys soon!

Robert Lammers said...

Hey Scott I wanted to be one to say congrats as well. I wanted to also welcome you back to the states. I couldn't help but notice what you said about the economy. No thanks to the current administration. It seems to me that they are making things worse. I hope your new assignment in DC doesn't make you a part of the new gastopo. lol

Lilymei joined our family...

Lilymei was born...

Drew is...

Nate is...

Jean and Scott have been married....