- thank you
- I love you
- up
- uh-oh
- "woof"
- peek-a-boo
- baby
- bye-bye
- Drew
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's Been 2 Months!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
We have an appointment!
Here are a few new pictures....
Spaghetti is so yummy!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Patient Drew, Lilymei's Well-check, Boy Scout Nate
Lilymei went to her monthly well-check appointment today. She didn't grow in length since last month but she did gain a little over 2.5 pounds. Yeah! Her head circumference didn't change but her soft spot hasn't closed anymore either. The doctor was very pleased with all the skills she has accomplished since last month. Lilymei has tooth number 17 coming in. I knew something was up with all the drooling the past couple of weeks. This afternoon the physical therapist, Lenny, from EDIS came out and did her assessment. We are hoping by next week we can have a plan of action presented and can finally get started on therapy. On a positive note, it was determined that Lilymei has only a slight developmental delay and she should be able to catch up with no problem. We are still awaiting news as to when Lilymei's MRI is scheduled for. We were told we should be traveling no later than Oct 2nd!
As for Nate, he is going strong, mentally and physically. He has started 7th grade this year in our home school. We have purchased some new and exciting curriculums and we are anxious to get started on them. Last night Nate had his Boy Scout Board of Review and he successfully achieved the rank of Second Class. Good job Nate!!! Nate is swimming again on the Andersen Marlins swim team (as is Drew) and will be participating in swim meets beginning this weekend. He is also keeping up with his piano playing with weekly lessons with Mr. Dale. Nate and Drew have been doing a lot more duets, with Drew on guitar. Since Lilymei loves music so much we are wondering what instrument she will be playing soon.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Look at what Lilymei can do & Back to School for the Boys
Drew and Lilymei at the base pool.
Lilymei and Nate, happy in the morning.
- blowing kisses (hand up to the mouth, not yet "throwing" them)
- turning off the light switches
- puckers and gives kisses when we ask
- feeding herself using a spoon or fork
- drinking from a cup (without a lid!)
- "real" crawling~ not just combat crawling
- took 3 steps with her walker toy
- puts her mouth in the pool and blows bubbles
- stands up in her crib
- makes "shh" sound with her finger to her lips
- gives high-five
- can use sign language for "more"
- can say "Mama", "Dada", "bubbles", and "Lily" AND
- climbs onto the couch.
"Ok, this is crazy! I'm having so much fun!"
The boys and I started our home school year last Tuesday. So far, so good. Lilymei is getting herself all over the living room and dining room trying to see what the boys are doing. Even though they are getting work done they still want to stop what they are doing and play with Lilymei. Who can blame them? I know I'm not getting alot of my "chores" done either until she is asleep. She's just too much fun. She brings lots and lots of laughter to our home.
Medical note: We are waiting for Lilymei's MRI appt to be scheduled. We should be in Hawaii within the month. The CT scan results are just what we heard initially, definite hydrocephalus and chronic subdural bleeding. We are hoping the MRI will tell us definitively what we will need to do next for her care and well-being. Please keep her in your prayers.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
Friday afternoon the base held their annual Labor Day Fun Fest with free food, games for the kids, a water slide, and raffle prizes. Drew was in full Cub Scout uniform handing out free popcorn for the first hour or two. Nate was making his rounds with a few Boy Scout friends and listening to the DJ. Lilymei didn't know what to think with all the people and the loud music but she perked right up when a little friend of hers brought her a whirly-bird to hold on to.
Saturday morning the boys were up bright and early; mowed their 5 lawns and then Nate headed to the Boy Scout House to work on some merit badges with the scouts. Scott and Drew, along with our friend, Mike, headed down to Tarague Beach for the USO camp out. They got the tent set up while I picked up Nate and the 3 of us headed down to the beach for the cookout. Lilymei ate well but after dinner she did NOT want to put her feet down in the sand. She enjoyed watching the waves and the guys playing beach volleyball but she was not going to get sandy. Lilymei and I headed for home at dusk and let the boys eat s'mores and listen to the karaoke all night.
Sunday after church we packed up the car and headed to the Hyatt hotel for a relaxing overnight stay. Lilymei loved the water again~yeah! We enjoyed dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Al Dente, and had a wonderful night of sleep. The beds at the Hyatt Guam are soooo comfortable. Most of the hotels on Guam have the traditional Japanese bed (hard!) but not the Hyatt, thank goodness! Monday morning, Labor Day, we had a leisurely buffet breakfast at La Mirenda and then we headed out to the Hyatt Beach. We took advantage of the "water toys" and rented a paddle boat for a little morning fun. Lilymei was so relaxed she fell asleep shortly after we got started.....
Today we had EDIS (Educational & Developmental Intervention Services) come out to the house to evaluate Lilymei. She is delayed in her motor skills and communication development (we knew that). Next week we are hoping to meet with the speech therapist and the pediatric physical therapist. Once they evaluate Lilymei and write up their reports we are hoping to begin therapy. We can expect therapy to begin in 4 weeks, hopefully less. Right now we are to work with Lilymei, not to try to walk, but to get her to master crawling (she started "real" crawling just this Saturday) and to use her left hand more. We also need to keep her on the floor and help her to stretch to reach toys, etc to improve her balance. She is still wobbly and holds her arm out to catch herself from falling. They also suggested having her reach up overhead to strengthen her muscles and to put toys on the couch/chairs for her to reach for. We also need to keep a diary of the words that she can speak.
We are still waiting to hear back the results from Lilymei's CT scan. Now that the holiday is past I expect we will hear something before the end of the week. Tomorrow morning we are meeting with the audiologist to check Lilymei's hearing. We will post once we know any more details!